Ethics, Finance and Politics – Berlin, Mai 19th 2011
Prof. Dr. Julian Nida-Rümelin
“Innovationen sind nicht planbar, aber sie haben kulturelle und ethische Voraussetzungen. Das gilt für die Wissenschaft und die Kunst, wie für die Wirtschaft. Innovationen gedeihen in einem kreativen Klima, entlastet von unmittelbaren Verwertungszwängen besser. Manche Innovationen kommen Revolutionen gleich, die unsere Denkungsart und unsere Praxis grundlegend verändern, andere verbessern etablierte Methoden und Denkweisen. Wissenschaftliche und technische Innovationen beruhen auf einem spezifischen Ethos, das das rationale Argument in den Mittelpunkt stellt. Die Wissenschafts- und Technikgeschichte hält zahlreiche interessante Beispiele dafür bereit.”
Prof. Dr. Günter Faltin
“Es sind nicht bloß Idealisten, sondern gerade auch die erfolgreichen Gründer, die nicht Geld als vorrangigen Antrieb haben. Oder anders ausgedrückt: Ein Stück Idealismus ist offenbar eine vorzügliche Voraussetzung für eine erfolgreiche Gründung.
Es gibt gute Gründe für die Annahme, dass eine gute Idee oder der Einsatz für eine gute Sache die Erfolgsaussichten einer Gründung erhöht.”
Dr. Clara Mavellia
“When ethics are consistently applied, they can have a positive impact on entrepreneurial and political processes as well as the financial world. A universal code of ethics provides a framework for action which, once it is firmly embedded, guarantees a safe long-term yield for everyone. Business ethics and CSR have been debated at symposia and conferences for a long time, but these principles can only be implemented properly and sustainably if school and college students and interested members of the public become involved in the issues.”
Ladies and gentlemen,
Welcome to “Cultural Entrepreneurship – Ethics, Finance and Politics”, our conference in Berlin on 19 May 2011!
This event offers women and men from the world of economics and politics a platform to explore and debate the links between ethics, finance and politics.
Our aim is to build bridges between philosophers, entrepreneurs and the general public, paving new roads to success for all concerned.
In this interdisciplinary, intercultural context, you will have an opportunity to listen to pioneering spirits, to join panels and discussions or to present your innovative company.
By coming together, all our participants will play their part in a global renaissance which combines an ethical impact with economic viability.
A prize will be awarded for the best ethical business idea.
The conference is open to anyone interested. We look forward to meeting you.
Kind regards
Dr. Clara Mavellia
Kind regards
Dr. Clara Mavellia
About Us
1. The Institute for Cultural Entrepreneurship
Our aim at the Institute for Cultural Entrepreneurship is to help stimulate interaction between economics and philosophy and open up new perspectives for everyone involved. It means basing profit projections on longer-term aims than quarterly reports, and an approach that goes beyond money to take on board, for example, carbon footprints, or financial models that provide creative artists with a decent livelihood. It also means fostering brilliant ideas at the interface of different sectors and disciplines (the Medici effect).
At a time when everyone is talking about ethics and every corporate website has one link to its philosophy and another for innovation, we invite the public at large to join our conferences and other activities in pursuit of Cultural Entrepreneurship, to discover and discuss ethics and humanism, and to explore the many things which entrepreneurship can achieve. Meet some of the many people with ethical, innovative business ideas in all walks of life, people who are already working towards the good life in one way or another, some of them under quite adventurous conditions, and most of them turning over a profit, too.
At these international, interdisciplinary conferences, with simultaneous interpreting into various languages, experts, students and other interested parties have the opportunity to exchange their ideas and end the day with fresh energy.
If students, trainees, and founders of start-ups, whatever their field of expertise or sector of industry, are interested in ethics, entrepreneurship, art and culture, and much more, their admission fees will be paid by companies who feel they have a social responsibility to help spread such ideas and have therefore agreed to support our event in this way.
The next conference “Cultural Entrepreneurship – Ethics and Travel” will be Held in Gothenburg on 10 September 2013.
Another of our projects aims to give literary expression to economic, environmental and political issues. It will benefit the fields in question, literature in general and, of course, readers.
We would be delighted if managers would invite artists to spend some time in their companies, tracking signs of the new things emerging around them.
And sooner or later the Porsche driver who buys organic will gravitate towards both a holistic lifestyle and a new car, becoming a more discerning consumer, promising economic and ecological rewards for the generations of today and tomorrow.
We know from game theory that, when we find ourselves caught in the prisoner’s dilemma, cooperation pays off for all sides. In the same spirit, by working towards Cultural Entrepreneurship we can contribute to a global Renaissance which makes an ethical impact and is nonetheless commercially sound.
This concept, then, has a role to play, with real depth and even a little glamour, by showing us a way out of the economic crisis and addressing the widely lamented loss of social values.
For all concerned, 20 years after the fall of the Wall (but not only in Berlin) this ultimately means a chance to shape the economy and the arts in a creative manner, in the knowledge that they are also doing something for future generations. What is a fulfilling life, of not that?
2. Freedom and justice
In a liberal democracy, neither God nor Caesar makes and enforces the law: We do, the citizens.
This is because our democracy is based on ethical principles such as freedom and justice for all, although sometimes we seem to forget that.
Understanding and personal development in politics, philosophy, literature, art, music etc. are only possible under democratic conditions. They thrive on peace, freedom and justice, as in the Ancient polis and in the Renaissance – in any society where people are equal or have the same opportunities.
2.1. Women and men
We need every man and every woman of every generation. As Aristotle would say, many people reach an age when they can and should give something back to society, fulfilling their civic duty by shaping their social and natural environment.
For a long time we have been living on borrowed resources, not just financially, but ethically and intellectually, too – Greece, after all, was the cradle of the Western world – and now it is time to tap our hidden reserves, each and every one of us in our own field and social function. Our intellectual and emotional resources are unlimited!
2.2. Philosophy and economics
At the interface of philosophy and economics, “cultural entrepreneurship” provides the perfect framework. We want nothing less than to take those hackneyed clichés, the “greedy manager” and “the destitute poet”, blend them, and then integrate the often lacking female dimension. The result will be far more rewarding for all parties.
Imagine the permutations: “the greedy poetess”, “the poetic manager”, “humanist management” …
The challenge now is to equip ourselves with information and rediscover our cognitive resources, and – with care and a little humour – to exercise pre-emptive responsibility by building a good life for ourselves and future generations.
3. Ethics in the market economy [1]
People have been talking about corporate culture for three decades now, although the moral sensitivity of companies and managers still leaves much to be desired. At the same time, however, we increasingly witness companies and leaders who understand that risks are not always economic or environmental, but that they can just as well be ethical, and that the latter can have a disastrous impact on a company’s success, even threaten its very survival.
It is a fact of life that morality is seen as potentially restricting a company’s profits. But that is an inaccurate assessment when we consider that companies without sound value management can even be excluded from major projects. We want ethics to be treated as an opportunity to gain a distinct profile. Ethics are a resource that should be fully mobilised for the sake of corporate success.
In order for markets and competition to deliver for real people, there has to be a robust and globally effective framework, because in a market economy prosperity does not depend on the goodwill or moral motives of the actors. At the end of the day, the principal motive is always the financial incentive, or self-interest.
But it is also a fact that a market economy without a framework, i.e. unbridled competition in the absence of law and morality, leads to an unbearable state of affairs, the one Hobbes had in mind when he wrote: “the life of man solitary, poore, nasty, brutish, and short” [2].
Unlike politicians and NGOs, companies can actively engage in creating a socially acceptable order within the global economy, thereby taking responsibility for the long term.
This is because, by investing in real and human capital as well as corporate culture, they are laying the foundations for sustainable yields in line with market requirements, while at the same time ensuring good profits for their shareholders; and where companies do have such policies, this is already reflected today in strong stock market prices.
However, if companies want to take part in building this incipient global order, they must be consistently transparent about what they do.
The good thing about all this is that good deeds pay off, because in the long term morality and the pursuit of profit converge.
4. Cultural Entrepreneurs
If we take a look at the economy, the financial chaos and the greed for profits of recent years, we are amazed by the reticence of creative industries and cultural entrepreneurs.
With a few shining exceptions among artists, musicians and art directors, the (sub)cultural field is still awash with many dedicated and usually poorly paid entrepreneurs performing invaluable work for the theatre, art, music, literature, history and so forth. They generously give their skills and talents, and whether they are creating something new or preserving traditions, for society as a whole the rewards are lasting. They do not seem to heed the time their efforts absorb, and they work according to their own rhythms. Many are derided for it, and some envied. Not all are successful in the financial sense. Their driving force is their passion.
They enrich their fellows with amazing insights, moving emotions and aesthetic experiences, and thanks to them reality seems better and more beautiful.
But it would be a miracle if culture was not first in line when the usual cuts begin to bite.
With cultural entrepreneurship, we not only hope to counter this attitude, but we also hope to develop financing models (e.g. an unconditional basic income) that will allow all creators of culture and cultural entrepreneurs to earn a decent livelihood.
5. The Medici effect [3]
Anyone operating at the intersection of disciplines and cultures can easily combine existing concepts and generate a large number of extraordinary new ideas.
The name of this phenomenon, the “Medici effect”, refers to an explosion of creativity that took place in 15th-century Italy.
The Medici were a Florentine banking dynasty who attracted creators from many different disciplines to Florence and funded their works.
Thanks to the Medici family and a few other like-minded patrons, Florence became a place where scientists, poets, philosophers, financiers, painters, sculptors and architects could come together and collaborate.
They had an opportunity to learn from each other and thus the barriers between their respective skills and expertise were broken down: Together, they created a whole new world of new ideas that was to become known as the Renaissance.
The result of this cooperation between different specialists was a creative explosion and one of the most innovative periods in human history.
Indeed, we can still feel the impact of the Medici today.
We too can create such a Medici effect, by bringing together different disciplines and cultures and identifying the interfaces which connect them.
It is not so much the Renaissance that matters here, but rather the elements that made that era possible, and how they can be used to generate extraordinary ideas – in other words, what happens when, at the intersection of different disciplines and cultures, we discover brilliant ideas that are brought to light and given life.
The most fertile soil for innovation is the intersection of many different disciplines which do not really have anything in common – and yet, when they are seen from the other’s cultural perspective, unexpected new subjects and synergies open up.
The ideas we find at this intersection are logical, but their logic cannot be grasped until we suspend our usual cognitive approach and enter into risky terrain, because creativity comes from the unknown, rather than the opposite.
Most of the achievements of recent decades have their origin in combining disciplines and expertise, from biophysics and biogenetics to computer linguistics and palliative medicine, to name but a few.
6. The Outlook for Cultural Entrepreneurship
Although the ethics of science and corporate social responsibility have been the subject of many a symposium and conference, these ideas can only be truly and sustainably brought to life if they reach pupils, students and all interested citizens.
Just as the Renaissance still affects us today, these important impulses will spread far and wide and a long way into the future, throwing up new questions of their own.
In order to discuss these, and perhaps shed light on some of them, each year the Institute for Cultural Entrepreneurship invites renowned academics and experts to the Freie Universität in Berlin to speak about ethics and the opportunities for doing good [4] in all disciplines, business sectors, cultural circles and artistic fields, and to explain the relevant theories. After these lectures, the audience participate through Q&A sessions.
At these events, budding founders of start-ups can find out more about the innovative potential of entrepreneurship and meet some exemplary entrepreneurs.
Finally, a selection of individuals from the business community will elaborate on their own experience of translating these theories and their own ideas into everyday commercial reality.
All in all, the (young) women and men in the audience will have a chance to explore both the theories as well as their practical application; and they will take away information about entrepreneurship to use in their own lives and careers – a seed than can germinate, blossom and eventually be passed on in turn.
Moreover, the interdisciplinary, transcultural approach offers everyone a glimpse of the good life on our planet and the personal potential he or she can tap.
Our aim is to encourage this integration and intersection of people, values and competences, and beyond this to set in motion a global Renaissance in a peaceful, free and fair world – in other words, nothing short of ecological, economic and emotional prosperity.
Dr. Clara Mavellia
Berlin, 26 October 2010
[1] Cf. Homann, Karl, Ethik in der Marktwirtschaft, Munich: Roman Herzog Institute 2007
[2] Hobbes, Thomas (1651), Leviathan, Oxford: Clarendon Press 1909
[3] Cf. Johansson, Frans, The Medici Effect. What Elephants & Epidemics can teach us about Innovation, Boston: Harvard Business School Press 2006
[4] Cf. Vossenkuhl, Wilhelm, Die Möglichkeit des Guten. Ethik im 21. Jahrhundert, Munich: C.H. Beck 2006
Born 1965, 1994, PhD in Cultural Anthropology at the Ludwig Maximilians Universität, Munich, lives with her husband and two children in Berlin. Since 1992 she has written many books and articles on cultural globalisation, tourism and migration, such as The Dance of Cultures. Cultural Identity in a Globalised World (with Ina Zukrigl), Munich, Verlag Antje Kunstmann, 1998, Maxikulti (with Pál Nyíri) Frankfurt/M. Campus 2008 and Seeing Culture Everywhere, University of Washington Press 2009. Since 2007 co-founder of, an online market place for social initiative, where she heads the betterplace Lab.
Thomas Emrich, studied law, history and political science at FAU Erlangen and LMU München, since 1982 in various corporate roles, since 1989 self-employed and since 2003 chief executive officer of Erben-Ermittlung Emrich GmbH
Professor of Entrepreneurship at the Free University of Berlin. In 1985, he started the Teekampagne (“tea campaign”), a venture that turned the German tea market upside down by betting on consumer education, transparency and traceability. Faltin introduced a new business model: selling pure Darjeeling tea, controlled for chemical residues, in large packages, by mail order, at extremely competitive prices, while supporting the economy and ecology of the region of Darjeeling. Today, the company is Germany’s market leader in mail-order tea sales and the largest importer of Darjeeling world-wide.
Faltin initiated the Berlin-based “Entrepreneurship Lab” and has been a business angel for successful startups, including eBuero AG, Direkt zur Kanzlerin GmbH, and RatioDrink AG. Through the Faltin Foundation for Entrepreneurship, he promotes a new culture of entrepreneurship in Germany. In the United States, the Price-Babson Foundation recognized him with an award “for bringing entrepreneurial vitality to academe.” In 2009, he received the Deutscher Gruenderpreis, as well as an award from Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economics and Technology for his idea of “founding with components.”
In his best-selling book Kopf schlägt Kapital (Munich: Hanser, 2008), he proposes a radically new approach to generating new entrepreneurial ventures.
“I never left somewhere, but always arrived somewhere”, describes Vera Gäde-Butzlaff her professional career. In 1973 she came from Lower Saxony to Berlin in order to study law. In 1985 she became judge at the Berlin Court of Administration. In the chamber for construction and environmental affairs, for the first time she engaged herself in waste management. The topics waste and environment have been accompanying her since then from different perspectives. Her next professional stations were in the New German Laender: in 1994 as chairing judge at the Administrative Court in Frankfurt/Oder and in 1998 in the ministry of Saxony-Anhalt. In this situation the matter in the Ministry of Environment was defining the framework for waste management. The opportunity for implementation came up in early 2003, when Vera Gäde-Butzlaff became member of the executive directors of the Berliner Stadtreinigung (BSR), a company of the Land Berlin. Since February 2007 Vera Gäde-Butzlaff has been CEO of BSR, and thus responsible for 5,300 employees. For her it was important now, to be able to shape and make decisions in entrepreneurial and economical questions. The question, whether private company or municipally owned, is no dogmatic contrast for her. It’s rather a question, in which construction one can achieve the highest surplus value for the citizens and thus in the end for the society. The Berliner Stadtreinigung is a municipal company, which is managed in terms of efficiency like a well managed private company. “In our tasks we orient ourselves directly towards the benefit for the citizens. Parts of these are low fees, good services, innovative impulses and meeting our own high demands for ecological and social responsibility.”
Christian Geßner is Co-Founder and Director of ZNU (Center for Sustainable Leadership) at Witten University, which is sponsored by more than 15 entrepreneurs. Christian Geßner studied Economics and holds a PhD in Business Administraton.
Mara Grubert was born in Hamburg. Following her college degree with an annual work of arts marked excellent she studied languages in Berlin and graduated as a state examined translator for the English language. After several years abroad studying Spanish and French as well as taking painting classes and working part-time she returned to Berlin to study art and design. Subsequently she worked with a grafic designer for two years in Cologne. Her favoured painting techniques are watercolour and acrylic, but she has also done oil paintings and experimented succesfully with encaustic, wax and others. Mara is also known for her unusual figures of papiérmaché and sculptures of objets trouvé as well as imaginative light objects. Subject of her paintings are Mediterranean and personal impressions – mainly large, colourful paintings radiating vitality and vigour. Currently Mara is living in Selva de Mallorca. She spends several months of the year in Berlin where she also has a studio. “I am a keen observer of people and nature trying to express a certain mood and to bring a subtle humour into my work.”
Margaret Heckel is author of the bestseller “So regiert die Kanzlerin”, a report on Chancellor Angela Merkel and the economic crisis. Having worked as political editor of a number of national dailies, she left in July 2009 to found online journalistic ventures. So far, they include a site for commentary and a site for moral questions Heckel continues to report and comment in a variety of media outlets. She is also frequently called upon to provide expertise by BBC worldwide and various german TV and radio stations.
Heckel was born in 1966 and has an M.A. in economics from the University of Massachusetts/Amherst (USA). After journalism school in Düsseldorf/Germany, she started her career in 1991 as correspondent in Leipzig/East Germany for the business weekly “Wirtschaftswoche”. After correspondent positions in Moscow/GUS and as a travelling correspondent for Eastern Europe, she joined the “Financial Times Deutschland” in 1999. She held various positions, among them political editor, Berlin bureau chief and columnist. In 2006 she became political editor of the German national daily „Welt“, the national Sunday paper „Welt am Sonntag“ and the Berlin daily „Berliner Morgenpost“. Heckel now lives and works in Potsdam.
Pablo Held is born 1989 in Berlin. His first violin lessons he got with the age of 7 where he had lessons with Gotthelf Honka at the Weinberg Music School in Kleinmachnow. In the year 2001 he took successfully part at the competition “Jugend Musiziert”. Since 2002 he takes violin lessons from Prof. Marianne Boettcher . Since 2008 he makes Jazz, Reggae and folk music together with Ruth Organ and the guitarist and songwriter Martin Milner. From 2006-2009 he was a student of the Berlin Brandenburg International School (BBIS) and absolved the International Baccalaureate Diploma course.
General Manager of Grand Hyatt Berlin and Area Vice President at Hyatt International has worked for Hyatt International for 23 years. In May 1988, Swiss-born Fred Hürst, a trained chef and graduate of the Lausanne Hotel School, was named opening General Manager of the first Hyatt hotel in Germany, Hyatt Regency Cologne, located on the river Rhine, and led the fortunes of this iconic hotel for ten years. In parallel Mr. Hürst pursued the expansion of new locations in Europe, including Park Hyatt Zurich, which opened in 2004. He was later appointed Regional Director based in Mainz, Germany, and was responsible for Hyatt Regency Mainz and Park Hyatt Hamburg, which opened in April 1998. In addition to his national activities, Mr. Hürst moved to Berlin in 1998 and took over the management of Grand Hyatt Berlin, which opened in the same year.
Eva Kreienkamp is a social entrepreneur, marketer, author and top-manager. Next to her business career, which included senior and top-management positions at Allianz and Berlinwasser, she co-founded several gender equality and diversity management associations. Eva Kreienkamp was President of the “European Gay and Lesbian Managers Association” and currently is Member of the board of “FidAR – Frauen in die Aufsichtsräte”, an association lobbying for gender equality on supervisory boards, which she co-founded in 2006. She is also managing director of FrischCo. GmbH, a market research and event management company in Berlin. Eva is author of the reference book ”Gender Marketing – Impulses for product development, marketing, advertising and human resources”. She holds a university degree in mathematics and is INSEAD-Alumna.
Krankenschwester, Sozial-Psychologin, Sozialforscherin, Unternehmensberaterin, Coach, Mobbing-Beraterin und jetzt verstehe ich mich als Gleichstellungsbeauftragte im traditionsreichsten Universitätsklinikum Deutschlands. Wie so viele Frauen bin ich gleichzeitig auch Mutter – in diesem Fall die eines 26-jährigen Studenten. In meiner Funktion berate ich den Vorstand und die Leitungsebenen, wie sie gute Gleichstellungspolitik machen können. Aber auch die Krankenschwester, die Studentin, die Habilitandin oder jede und jeder andere kann zu mir kommen und sich informieren über mögliche Karrierewege oder mit meiner Unterstützung Probleme am Arbeitsplatz oder im Studium lösen.
Werner Landwehr ist Leiter der GLS Bank Berlin. Er ist Diplom Bankbetriebswirt (Akademie Deutscher Genossenschaften) und arbeitet seit 1995 bei der GLS Bank. Zunächst war er in Bochum tätig und hat seit 1996 am Aufbau der GLS Filiale in Hamburg mitgewirkt. Sein Arbeitsschwerpunkt ist seit jeher das Kreditgeschäft und die Umsetzung nachhaltiger Finanzierungen. Von 2001 bis 2003 war er als Marktbereichsleiter für die Integration der Ökobank in Frankfurt zuständig, deren Geschäfte von der GLS Bank übernommen wurden. Von 2003 bis 2008 war Werner Landwehr als Gesamtbereichsleiter für das bundesweite Kreditgeschäft der GLS Bank verantwortlich und hat in dieser Funktion in diversen Netzwerken aktiv mitgearbeitet. Anfang 2008 übernahm er den Aufbau der GLS Filiale in Berlin und leitet deren Hauptstadtbüro bis heute.
Finn Martin a Swedish-irish saxophonist, multiinstrumentalist, singer, director. Living between Berlin, Paris and Buenos Aires. Worked many years as side man and studiomusician for various well known names of the Parisian World music scene. (a.o. Mory Kante, Angelique Kidjo, Manu Dibango, Cheb Mamy, Salif Keita) Travels regularly and records with musicians of all continents. Performances of his spectacular show “VERTIGO” throughout the world. Representing Agencies in Paris, Frankfurt and Singapore. He also created and directed “Carpe Diem”, “Sonido” and “Soulfoot”.
Clara Mavellia from Milan was granted her doctorate at the Freie Universität in Berlin, where she has been working as an academic and journalist ever since. From September 2005 to April 2008 she commuted between Berlin and Munich to attend the interdisciplinary executive M.A. in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität.
Editor Glocalist Medien – Medien für Nachhaltigkeit (Berlin). 2005 Award “Social Responsible Manager of the Year” (Vienna). Chairman “Sustainable Finance e.V.” (Berlin).
Prof. Dr. Julian Nida-Rümelin is full professor of philosophy at the University of Munich; he has taught in the United States in Harvard, Washington, Minnesota, and at Caltech, as well as in Europe in St. Gallen, Tübingen and Göttingen. He is honorary professor at the Humboldt University of Berlin and he is member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts. He has published over 150 scientific articles on the Theory of Rationality, Ethics, Cultural Theory and Political Philosophy and he is the author of 14 books. His newest book “Philosophie und Lebensform” has been released 2009 by Suhrkamp.
László studied computer science at the Budapest University of Technolgy and Economics and moved to Berlin right after his studies. After eight years of work in the field of cancer research and education as a software engineer and project manager, in 2008 the time has finally come: together with the ethnologist Jan Linhart, he initiated echo. echo is a social business to facilitate sustainable change through active citizen participation. It creates the technological basis for an open, participatory democracy, in which every voice counts the same – every day and all over the world. As a joint project of humanity echo is dedicated to openness and transparency. It fosters synergetic cooperations instead of rivalry. According to its “Your-profit” business philosophy, all surpluses will be used to support joint projects and sustainable businesses of the community. The goal is: freedom and equality in terms of political and economical self-determination – for all people on our planet. (
born in 1964, studied philosophy, history of art and German language and literature. He has been writing as a journalist on cultural, media, philosophical and ethical topics for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Die Zeit and Literaturen since 1995. His book “Who am I – and if so, how many?” about the big philosophical questions of life has become a major bestseller. He lives as a philosopher, journalist and author in Cologne and Luxembourg.
was born in Esslingen, Germany, in 1968. In 1990 he moved to Berlin to study psychology and philosophy. In the same year he founded the Tacheles Gallery in the former Friedrichstrassen Passagen centre and was director of the Tacheles foundation until 1994. In 1993, together with Sasha Waltz, he initiated the contemporary dance company linkSasha Waltz & Guests. The two then founded the Sophiensaele in 1996, an open arena for dance and theatre productions, which Jochen Sandig led until 1999. From 2000 to 2004 he was a member of artistic direction as well as dramaturge at Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz. From 2004 he has been artistic director and manager of linkSasha Waltz & Guests GmbH. In 2005 he founded the RADIALSYSTEM V GmbH together with Folkert Uhde, since 2006 they are artistic directors and managers of RADIALSYSTEM V – New Space for the Arts in Berlin. Jochen Sandig is a member of the Berlin senats’ “Lenkungskreis Kulturwirtschaft”, of “Rat für die Künste” , and as “Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres” he was awarded the most important cultural honor of France.
Tina Schürmann studied communication studies, English and psychology in Essen. After graduating, she moved to the capital where she worked as an intern with a media production company. Here she produced television contributions for television channels including ZDF, Vox, Sat.1 and Pro7. Already before and during her studies, Tina Schürmann, who was born in Bielefeld, worked in the editorial departments of various print media and broadcasting companies. She gained her first experiences of PR work in the marketing department of the Berlin portal, BerlinOnline. Tina Schürmann soon ventured into self-employment and founded schürmann! pr in autumn 2002. Since then she has been successfully working together with clients from the luxury and lifestyle sector, as well as popular cinema and TV actors.
geb. 1949. studierte Kunstgeschichte, Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, sowie Publizistik in Göttingen, Berlin und Marburg; 1979 Direktor des Kunstvereins Braunschweig; Lehrtätigkeit in Braunschweig, Bremen und Wien. 1993 – 2000 Direktor der Deutschen Akademie Villa Massimo, Rom; international als Kurator und Berater aktiv, zahlreiche Publikationen zur klassischen Moderne und zeitgenössischen Kunst.
Tina Schürmann studierte in Essen Kommunikationswissenschaft, Anglistik und Psychologie. Nach ihrem Abschluss zog es sie in die Hauptstadt, wo sie in einer Medienproduktionsfirma ein Volontariat absolvierte. Hier produzierte sie Fernsehbeiträge für Sender wie ZDF, Vox, Sat.1 und Pro7. Bereits vor und während ihres Studiums war die gebürtige Bielefelderin in Redaktionen diverser Printmedien und des Hörfunks tätig. Die ersten PR-Erfahrungen sammelte sie in der Marketingabteilung des Hauptstadtportals BerlinOnline. Schon bald wagte sie den Schritt in die Selbstständigkeit und gründete die Agentur “schürmann!“ PR im Herbst 2002. Seit dieser Zeit betreut sie erfolgreich Kunden im Luxus- und Lifestylebereich und beliebte Schauspieler.
Gerhard Schulz is a Co-Founder of the „Kulturzentrum Schlachthof“ in Wiesbaden, Germany. He is carpenter, cultural entrepreneur, coach and change-manager. His working life is guided by collective hirachy, economic working-behaviour and by generating free space to act in. He advocates the thesis, that our society is loosing the ability, to strengthen co-existence via shared ( cultural) experience. The maxim: higher, faster, farther – so to say profit maximising – takes a contra induced effect – measured at the solutions needed today and defenitely tomorrow. Culture leading the way?
ist Initiator und Leiter des Genisis Institute for Social Business (, des Vision Summit ( sowie von Global Entrepreneurs (, zuvor Generalsekretär des Club of Budapest International und des Global Economic Network. Er ist Mitinitiator der Global Marshall Plan Initiative sowie Autor und Herausgeber von mehr als 20 Büchern, zuletzt “Global Impact” (2009) mit Franz Josef Radermacher und “Gute Geschäfte” (2009) mit Franz Alt, ferner “The Power of Dignity – Die Kraft der Würde” (Bildband, 2008), “Eine humane Weltwirtschaft” (2007) und “Muhammad Yunus – Banker der Armen” (2006).
Am 17.8.1957 in Karl-Marx-Stadt geboren, aufgewachsen in Berlin (Ost), 1976 Übersiedlung in die BRD, Studium der Volkswirtschaft, Soziologie und Politikwissenschaft in Köln und Bern, 1988 Promotion über wissenschaftliche Politikberatung, Referent bei der Kassenärztlichen Bundesvereinigung, Geschäftsführer des Bundesausschusses der Ärzte und Krankenkassen in Köln. 1993 Hauptgeschäftsführer der Kassenärztlichen Vereinigung Berlin, 1999 Bundesgeschäftsführer des BUND, 2005 ehrenamtlicher Gründungsvorstand der BUND-Stiftung, 2009 Geschäftsführer der Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Freien Wohlfahrtspflege, ehrenamtlicher Gründungsvorstand der DESERTEC-Foundation, seit 2010 Mitglied des Stiftungsaufsichtsrates. Mitglied in div. Beiräten und Kuratorien, verheiratet, 4 Kinder.
studied Classical Philology and Archaeology at the University of Milan; started creating fine art in her childhood. Her work uses modern techniques to work with Ancient myths.
is a consultant and advises board members and supervisory board members in the area of leadership, change management, strategy and corporate
governance. Amongst her clients are Booz& Company, the UBS and the Hutchison Whampoa Limited. Unger ist initiator of the value dialogue and invites to high level panel discussions.
Hans Wall, Supervisory Board Chairman of Wall AG, was born in Künzelsau in Baden-Wuerttemberg in 1942. After studying mechanical engineering, he founded his company for street furniture and outdoor advertising in 1976. Wall AG, headquartered in Berlin, exerts a major influence on the appearance of urban space with innovative products such as bus stop shelters, city toilets and kiosks.Today, the company is present in more than 50 cities in six countries.
Hans Wall supports numerous cultural and social initiatives and associations. In 1999, he was awarded the Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany; and in 2004, he received the “Social Market Economy” Prize from the German Business Club. In the same year, the Jewish Community of Berlin honoured him for his dedicated work against racism and xenophobia with the Heinrich-Stahl Award. Hans Wall has been Chairman of the Supervisory Board since 2007. His son Daniel took over as Chairman of the Wall AG Board of Management.
1939 born in Stettin (today: Szczecin). Studies at the “Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Politik” (University of Economics and Politics) in Hamburg. 1976 Chief Representative of Rewe Leibrand Group. 1991 – 1995 Chairman of the Board of Asko AG. After the fusion of Asko with Metro/Kaufhof CEO of the new major group Metro AG. 2000 creation of the foundation Stiftung Forum für Verantwortung, support for scientific colloquia and edition of many publications on themes such as evolution, sustainable development, the beginnings of Christianity, the cultural values of Europe. 2006 launch of the “Sustainability Project”, edition of a thirteen-part book series on sustainability issues, many lectures on sustainability issues. 2008 appointment to the German National Committee of the UN decade of “Education for Sustainable Development”.
08:30 – 09:00 Akkreditierung
09:00 – 09:15 Welcome / Introduction by Dr. Clara Mavellia
09:15 – 09:30 Peter Spiegel, Global Entrepreneurs
09:30 – 09:40 Stefanie Unger, Wertedialog
09:40 – 10:15 Klaus Wiegandt, Forum für Verantwortung
10:15 – 10:45 Break
10:45 – 12:00 Speech Prof. Dr. Günter Faltin; Diskussion im Anschluss
12:00 – 12:30 Prof. Dr. Faltin stellt Start-Ups vor
12:30 – 13.30 Lunch
13:15 – 13:30 Musical Performance: Finn Martin
13:30 – 14:00 PANEL 1: Ethik und Kunst:
Dr. Jürgen Schilling, Der Kunstmarkt
14:05 – 15:15 PANEL 2 – Moderatorin: Margaret Heckel
Ethische und innovative Unternehmen stellen sich vor:
Thomas Emrich, Erben-Ermittlung GmbH
Vera Gäde-Butzlaff, BSR
Fred Hürst, Grand Hyatt
Werner Landwehr, GLS Bank
Dr. Clara Mavellia, Cultural Entrepreneurship Berlin UG
Dr. Christian Neugebauer, The Glocalist
Dr. Richard D. Precht, Der Philosoph als Unternehmer
Gerhard Schulz, Schlachthof Wiesbaden
Tina Schürmann, Schürmann PR
Hans Wall, WALL AG
15:15 – 16:00 Break
16:00 – 17:30 Speech Prof. Dr. Julian Nida-Rümelin; Diskussion im Anschluss
17:40 – 18:40 PANEL 3 – Moderatorin: Dr. Nina Scheer
Ethische und innovative Stiftungen und Projekte stellen sich vor:
Dr. Joana Breidenbach, Betterplace
Eva Kreienkamp, FidAR
Christine Kurmeyer, Charité
Laszlo Papp, echo
Jochen Sandig, Radialsystem
Dr. Gerhard Timm, DESERTEC Foundation
18:45 – 19:00 Preisverleihung und Schlusswort Dr. Clara Mavellia
19:00 – 19:30 Musical Performance: Pablo Held
19:30 – 21:00 Get-together
As a participant, you are entitled to hear all the talks and to be present at all the panels and discussions.
Admission is free.
Arikha, Noga, Passions and Tempers: A History of the Humours, New York: Harper Perennial 2008
Aristoteles, Nikomachische Ethik, Reinbeck: Rowohlt 2006
Bhagwati, Jagdish, Verteidigung der Globalisierung, München: Pantheon 2008
Blasche, Siegfried/Köhler, Wolfgang R./Rohs, Peter (Hg.), Markt und Moral St. Galler Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsethik, Bd. 13, Bern/Stuttgart/Wien: Haupt 1994.
Busse, Tanja, Die Einkaufsrevolution: Konsumenten entdecken ihre Macht, München: Karl Blessing (Random House) 2006.
Cowton, Christopher/ Haase, Michaela (Hg.), Trends in Business and Economic Ethics (Studies in Economic Ethics and Philosophy), Berlin: Springer 2008.
Diefenbacher, Hans, Gerechtigkeit und Nachhaltigkeit. Zum Verhältnis von Ethik und Ökonomie, Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft 2001.
Düwoll, Marcus / Hübenthal, Christoph / Werner, Micha H. (Hrsg.): Handbuch Ethik, Stuttgart 2002.
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Faltin, Günter, Kopf schlägt Kapital. Die ganz andere Art, ein Unternehmen zu gründen. Von der Lust, ein Entrepreneur zu sein, München: Hanser 2008.
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Hartmann, Kathrin, Ende der Märchenstunde: Wie die Industrie die Lohas und Lifestyle-Ökos vereinnahmt, München: Karl Blessing (Random House) 2009.
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Hickman, Leo, Fast nackt: Mein abenteuerlicher Versuch, ethisch korrekt zu leben, München: Piper 2006.
Höffe, Otfried, Lexikon der Ethik, 6. Auflage, München: C.H. Beck 2002.
Homann, Karl (Hg.), Aktuelle Probleme der Wirtschaftsethik, Berlin: Dunker & Humblot 1992.
Homann, Karl (Hg.), Wirtschaftsethische Perspektiven I. Theorie – Ordnungsfragen – Internationale Institutionen, Berlin: Dunker & Humblot 1994.
Homann, Karl/Lütge, Christoph, Einführung in die Wirtschaftsethik, Münster, Berlin u.a.: Lit-Verlag 2005.
Homann, Karl/ Suchanek, Andreas, Ökonomik. Eine Einführung, Tübingen: Mohr Siebek 2005.
Homann, Karl, Ethik in der Marktwirtschaft – Nr. 3, München: Roman Herzog Institut 2007.
Horx, Matthias, Das Buch des Wandels, München: DVA 2009
Jones, Van, The Green Collar Economy: How One Solution Can Fix Our Two Biggest Problems, New York: HarperOne 2008.
Kant, Immanuel, Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten, Hamburg: Meiner 1999.
Kirchgässner, Gebhard, Homo oeconomicus: Das ökonomische Modell individuellen Verhaltens und seine Anwendung in den Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, 3. ergänzte und erweiterte Auflage, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2008.
Kirig, Anja/ Rauch, Christian/Wenzel, Eike, Greenomics. Wie der grüne Lifestyle Märkte und Konsumenten verändert, München: Redline Verlag 2008.
Kirig, Anja/Wenzel, Eike, Lohas: Bewusst grün – alles über die neuen Lebenswelten, München: Redline Verlag 2009.
Korff, Wilhelm u.a. (Hg. im Auftrag der Görres-Gesellschaft), Wirtschaftsethik: Ein Handbuch, Band 1-4, Berlin: Berlin University Press 2009.
Koslowski, Peter (Hg.), Contemporary Economic Ethics and Business Ethics (Studies in Economic Ethics and Philosophy), Berlin: Springer 2000.
Küpper, Hans-Ulrich, Unternehmensethik: Hintergründe, Konzepte und Anwendungsbereiche Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel 2007.
Lautermann, Christian/ Pfriem, Reinhard/Wieland, Josef, Ethik in der Naturkostbranche, Marburg: Metropolis 2005.
Lohmann, Karl R./ Priddat, Birger P. (Hg.), Ökonomie und Moral. Beiträge zur Theorie ökonomischer Rationalität, München: Oldenbourg 2007.
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Miller, David, „Ethics of the Market“, in: E. Craig (Hg.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Vso10), London: Routledge 1998, S. 107 – 110.
Nida-Rümelin, Julian, Economic Rationality and Practical Reason (Theory and Decision Library), Dordrecht/Boston: Kluwer 1997.
Nida-Rümelin, Julian, Humanismus als Leitkultur. Ein Perspektivenwechsel. Ein Perspektivenwechsel, München: Beck 2006.
Nida-Rümelin, Julian, Philosophie und Lebensform, Frankfurt: Suhrkamp 2009.
Nida-Rümelin, Julian (Hg.), Praktische Rationalität. Grundlagenprobleme und ethische Anwendungen des rational choice-Paradigmas, Berlin: de Gruyter 1994 (458 S.).
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Precht, Richard David, Wer bin ich – und wenn ja wie viele?, München: Goldmann 2007
Precht, Richard David, Liebe: Ein unordentliches Gefühl, München: Goldmann 2009
Priddat, Birger P., Politische Ökonomie: Neue Schnittstellendynamik zwischen Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Politik, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag 2008.
Priddat, Birger P., Wirtschaft durch Kultur, Marburg: Metropolis 2008.
Priddat, Birger P., Ökonomische Knappheit und moralischer Überschuß. Theoretische Essays zum Verhältnis von Ökonomie und Ethik, Hamburg: Verlag Steuer und Wirtschaft (jetzt Berlin: Schmidt Verlag) 1994.
Prinz, Aloys/ Koslowski, Peter (Hg.), Bittere Arznei: Wirtschaftsethik und Ökonomik der pharmazeutischen Industrie, München: Fink 2007.
Radermacher, Franz Josef / Obermüller, Marianne / Spiegel, Peter, Global Impact: Der neue Weg zur globalen Verantwortung , München: Hanser 2009.
Schirrmacher, Frank, Payback, München: Blessing 2009
Sen, Amartya, Development as Freedom(dt. Ökonomie für den Menschen: Wege zu Gerechtigkeit und Solidarität in der Marktwirtschaft ), New York: Knopf 1999.
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Sen, Amartya, The Idea of Justice, Harvard: Harvard University Press 2009.
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Stiglitz, Joseph, Die Chancen der Globalisierung, München: Siedler 2006
Stiglitz, Joseph, Die wahren Kosten des Krieges, München: Pantheon 2008
Ulrich, Peter: Der entzauberte Markt. Eine wirtschaftsethische Orientierung, Freiburg i.B.: Herder 2002
Ulrich, Peter, Integrative Wirtschaftsethik: Grundlagen einer lebensdienlichen Ökonomie, 4., vollständig neu bearbeitete Auflage, Bern: Haupt 2007.
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Vossenkuhl, Wilhelm, Die Möglichkeit des Guten: Ethik im 21. Jahrhundert, München: C.H. Beck 2006
Wall, Hans, Aus dem Jungen Wird nie was, München: Heyne 2009
Walther, Dietrich, Green Business – das Milliardengeschäft: Nach den Dot-coms kommen jetzt die Dot-greens, Wiesbaden: Gabler 2008.
Wieland, Josef, Die Ethik der Governance, 5. durchgesehene Auflage, Marburg: Metropolis 2007.
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